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Central Carolina
English Setter Club

Sanctioned in 2007, we were the first AKC recognized English Setter regional club under the English Setter Association of America (ESAA) in the Carolinas and Tennessee. Our membership roster has expanded to also include folks from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia. We offer events near Charlotte and Raleigh, NC. and in Greenville, SC. We welcome owners, prospective owners and those interested in learning more about the English setter to attend our events.



As owners of purebred dogs, we have a responsibility to set an example of what responsible dog breeding and responsible canine ownership is all about. Of course, not all dogs are hunting dogs, but we are blessed with a breed which can be described as inherently, and by necessity, independent thinkers. English Setters are hunters and companions, so many performance titles fit them well. Many of our setters have performed at the highest levels of Conformation showing, Hunt Tests and Field Trials, Obedience and Rally Obedience, and Therapy Dog work. CCESC puts on educational events including Fun Matches and competitive events such as Specialty Shows and ESAA Hunting Dog Tests.

About Central Carolina English Setter Club

CCESC remains firm in its commitment to The Champion Show Dog concept, which evolved to identify quality breeding stock. We also continually strive to look at other titles that enrich our setters’ lives by providing fun, offering service opportunities, showcasing natural instincts, and encouraging activity. 



We welcome fellow English setter enthusiasts to join our club! By joining CCESC, members commit to the welfare and excellence of English setters, sharing in a journey of companionship and breed advocacy. For information on membership categories and dues, contact our Membership Chair by clicking below or send us a note through “Let’s Chat!” 



CCESC Member Ray-Lynn Snowden is co-author of this E-book with Dr. Jill Warren (Esthete English Setters). This guide has 113 pages of comprehensive information about all aspects of English Setters as well as delightful pictures of setters involved in all activities, at all ages, in all colors, to help people learn about our very versatile breed. Its 13 chapters cover everything you need to understand and raise your English setter, whether from puppyhood or foster/adoption/rescue to adulthood. It is recommended beginners begin with Chapters on: Is an ES the Right Dog for You? or How To Find an ES, When Your ES Comes Home and Feeding Your ES. The authors hope this accurate and relevant guide will be used as a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about English setters. It is intended to ensure responsible canine ownership and to foster health, safety, adventure and most importantly a lifetime love affair between owner and setter!


CCESC is committed to assisting fellow English setter owners and enthusiasts by providing links to Resources used and referenced by
the American Kennel Club (AKC) and English Setter Association of America (ESAA).


The AKC Website is rich with information on ways to enjoy activities safely, responsibly, and joyfully with your pet. As with any skill or sport, foundational training is key. Starting your setter with AKC Canine Good Citizens (CGC) skills will set you both up for success in whatever activity you pursue. 


Upcoming Events

Our Mission

CCESC is dedicated to promoting quality in the breeding of purebred English setters and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection, accepting the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the English setter shall be judged. We strive to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition while conducting sanctioned and specialty shows, obedience trials, hunt tests and field trials under the Rules and Regulations of The American Kennel Club. We provide a supportive community for owners, prospective owners and fellow Setter enthusiasts. 


“Now with two setters, the experience of owning them grows more precious each day. When strangers ask: “Does that dog shed?”, we wonder why we didn’t ask that same question. Kitchen counter surfing is really not a challenge, it’s a sport. Deafness is not congenital, it’s a choice. Twenty degrees outside, it’s time for a run. Water - well, it’s gold. And seeing a setter’s head buried up to the fourth vertebrae in Helen’s purse looking for tissue - priceless. (This conversation could have no end!) And there are the people that stop their cars and ask through the open window: “What kind of dogs are those? They sure are pretty!” Or those that call from their porch: “That’s a bird dog, isn’t it?” Or “We had an English Setter once - that’s the best dog we ever had.” My personal favorite comment was from a woman making her way up the sidewalk to church as I was walking Gracie. She stopped me and said: “What a magnificent animal.” One moment I feel like I was chosen to guard a treasure. The next moment, saturated flews are resting on my leg. I guess it’s a Setter thing.” 


J Martin Sondey

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Regional Territory

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

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